ケナン・リファーイー・スーフィズム研究センターでは、著書Sufism: A Global Historyで高名なNile Green先生をアメリカ・カルフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校よりお迎えし、講演会を開催いたします。皆様の多数のご参加をお待ちしております。
※以下のリンク先の地図をご参照ください。 上のリンク先にある地図では「34」の建物が総合研究2号館になります。 http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/campus/map6r_y.htm http://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/kias/contents/access_map08.pdf
発表要旨:Over the past century, the humanistic appeal of the mystical poetry and theosophical teachings of the Sufis has won them many admirers outside the dar al-islam. Yet in the same period, Sufi Islam has increasingly been rejected by Salafis and other Muslim reformists. These developments are easier to understand when we take a historical approach that takes account of the social, political and ethnographic dimensions of Sufi Islam, including the rise of Sufis to the position of a ‘religious establishment.’ Ranging from India to the Middle East, this illustrated lecture outlines basic conceptual principles that help us to understand the socio-political functions of the Sufis that contributed to their ascendancy no less than their loss of power.