第66回南アジア・インド洋世界研究会「The Changing Village and Inequality in Contemporary India」「A Prehistory of Violence? Revolution and Martyrs in the Making of a Political Tradition in Kerala」を開催します(2018年1月29日)


2017年度 第3回KINDAS研究グループ2国際セミナー
【場所】京都大学 吉田キャンパス本部構内 総合研究2号館4階 第一講義室(AA401)

Prof. Himanshu (Associate Professor, Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences, JNU)
“The Changing Village and Inequality in Contemporary India”

Prof. Dilip Menon (the Mellon Chair of Indian Studies and the Director of the Centre for Indian Studies in Africa at the University of Witwatersrand)
“A Prehistory of Violence? Revolution and Martyrs in the Making of a Political Tradition in Kerala”

【連絡先】KINDAS事務局 indas_office[at]asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

