黒田 彩加 准教授


黒田彩加 准教授  

メールアドレス:kuroda.ayaka.6w[a] kyoto-u.ac.jp





Specializing in Islamic political thought, I have conducted research on religion and politics as well as ideas on these topics in the Arab–Islamic world. In particular, I have focused on the intellectual and political current that aims to reconcile Islamic values with modernity while comparing it with various other schools of thought in the region. By studying the thought of moderate Islamic thinkers who have discussed the relationship between Islamic law and the modern state, ways to overcome the legacy of colonialism, and issues such as human rights and democracy, I seek to explore the questions of tradition and modernity in the Arab world. While Egypt has been my primary area of research, in recent years, I have become interested in the international development of Islamic reformist thought.


日本中東学会、日本イスラム協会、日本オリエント学会、日本宗教学会、British Association for Islamic Studies



 Kuroda, Ayaka  and Shun Watanabe, eds. Society, Politics, and Ideologies in the Modern Arab East: A Trans-Asian Academic Roundtable (AJI Books). Kyoto: Asia-Japan Research Institute, Ritsumeikan University, 2023.

Kuroda, Ayaka. “I‘āda al-Naẓar fī Niqāshāt al-Dīn wa al-Dawla fī Miṣr al-Mu‘āṣira (Rethinking Discussions on “Islam” and “State” in Contemporary Egypt),” translated by Muḥammad Ṣalāḥ ‘Alī, in Ibrāhīm al-Bayyūmī Ghānim  and Nādiya Maḥmūd Muṣṭafā, eds.
Manhaj al-Naẓar al-Ḥaḍārī fī Qaḍāyā al-Umma: Qirā’a fī Fikr Ṭāriq al-Bishrī(『ウンマの諸問題に対する文明的視座の方法論:ターリク・ビシュリーの思想を読む』,  al-Dār al-Maghribīya li-l-Nashr wa al-Tawzī‘, pp. 959-994, 2023(アラビア語).

Kuroda, Ayaka. “al-Inbi‘āth al-Ḥaḍārī wa Naqd al-Ḥadātha al-Gharbīya: Muqārana bayna Miṣr wa al-Yābān(「文明の復興と西洋近代批判:日本とエジプトをめぐる比較考察」),” in Ibrāhīm al-Bayyūmī Ghānim  and Nādiya Maḥmūd Muṣṭafā, eds. Manhaj al-
Naẓar al-Ḥaḍārī fī Qaḍāyā al-Umma: Qirā’a fī Fikr Ṭāriq al-Bishrī(『ウンマの諸問題に対する文明的視座の方法論:ターリク・ビシュリーの思想を読む』, al-Dār al-Maghribīya li-l-Nashr wa al-Tawzī‘, pp. 1003-1028, 2023(アラビア語).

Kuroda, Ayaka. “Modern Statehood, Democracy, and Women’s Political Rights: Reconstruction of Political Thought in Egyptian Moderate Islamic Trend.” Orient: Journal of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, vol. 56, 121-140, 2021.(査読あり)
Kuroda, Ayaka. “Rethinking Discussions on “Islam” and “State” in Contemporary Egypt: The Community Based Approach in Ṭāriq al-Bishrī’s Political and Legal Thought,” Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, vol. 34, no.2, pp.1-34, 2019.(査読あり)
Kuroda, Ayaka. “What does Islamic Centrism in Egypt Strive for? Reflection on Ṭāriq al-Bishrī’s Formulation of “Tayyār Asāsī”,” Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies, vol.10, pp. 32-41, 2017.(査読あり)
